The Lord’s Supper (part 4)
A few points about the Lord’s supper: The problem at Corinth with regard to the Lord’s supper was probably that one group ate before the other group (cf. 1 Cor. 11:21-22). However, the root problem was that of division. Moreover, Paul was not a moralist. In approaching the solution, he did not want people merely to change their behavior. He wanted the divisions to dissolve because of a deeper understanding of the work of Christ. Communing with each other is not about getting a full belly. You can do that on your own (1 Cor. 11:34). In communion, we are to serve each other as Christ has served us. (1 Cor. 11:33, cf. John 13) In communion, we remember who we are in relation to each other. (1 Cor. 11:28-29) The Lord’s supper is not about the bread and wine. The bread and wine serve as a vivid reminder, an object lesson, directing our affections to God and to each other because of what Christ has accomplished. T...