James and the Gift of Healing
Recently, Tim Challies posted on Daniel Doriani’s commentary on James. I found it incredibly intriguing, and it was well worth the read. I wrestled with it for days. While I don’t want to dive into the deep end with regard to the continuationist vs. cessationist debate, I would like to examine further healing and the book of James. In his post, Challies shares the following quote from Doriani’s commentary: Sick men and women call the elders as a group. They do not call those with a gift for healing; rather they call all to pray for healing. James says the prayers of a righteous man are effective. Since the first qualification for an elder is holiness—not social standing or theological acumen—the prayers of elders are effective. The elders pray for healing , not for miracles. It doesn’t matter if a healing is quiet or splashy, True healings garner all the attention they need. The reference from the book James is: Is anyone among you sick? Let him call for the e...