I am currently reading some of John Owen’s commentary on Hebrews. I absolutely love John Owen. He was a great theologian, but he was mindful of the every-day battles. In one place , he writes: FIRST, The illative, “wherefore,” as was first observed, denotes both the deduction of the ensuing exhortation from the preceding discourse, and the application of it unto the particular duty which he enters upon, verse 12. WOW! That is some academic stuff! However, only a few sentences later, we read from his pen and his heart: Divine knowledge is like a practical science; the end of all whose principles and theorems is in their practice; take that away and it is of no use. It is our wisdom and understanding how to live unto God; to that purpose are all the principles, truths, and doctrines of it to be improved.If this be not done in the teaching and learning of it, we fight uncertainly, as men beating the air. That is a gem!!! That is something yo...