An Old Dead Guy Can Still Be Relevant

Apparently, it does not take being pop-culturally savvy to be relevant to the perils of today. Three of John Owen’s works have been collected and edited by Kelly Kapic and Justin Taylor in Overcoming Sin and Temptation. They have made the texts more readable and have included some very useful appendices to aid your study.

Reading Owen is never easy, but these two have made it more accessible. Our generation is indebted to them. Owen’s treatment of sin and temptation is challenging and an essential tool in understanding how to fight sin. The battle against sin must be waged. If we are to make any progress in holiness, we should prepare ourselves to walk “over the bellies of [our] lusts.” We need to “be killing sin or it will be killing [us].”


Caleb said…
Hey Joey, I picked this book up a couple months back and am still working my way through it. I read a quote from J.I. Packer one time where he said something about how the difficulty of reading Owen is usually lessened by reading the text out loud. I have found his advice to be true. It seems strange to be reading out loud in a room all by yourself, but it does help immensely. Take care and get to mortifying!
Helexa said…
I think people tend to ignore old dead people because they think they're outdated and boring, but it's always cool to find exceptions. Not that I've read that book. Or heard of Owen before. But like C.S. Lewis said, a dinosaur may have an unorthodox method of lecturing, but you can still learn alot from it.
Jonathan Davis said…
Thank you fine sir for adding me to your blog. I just shot you an email and I am sure I will run into you tomorrow at church. Thank you for posting this book on your blog. I am awaiting the day that I can get to this book. I have downloaded a PDF of Owen's "Of the Mortification of Sin" and have been able to breeze through some of the pages. Very good.


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