Why We Believe the Bible, Free Audio
Desiring God Ministries has provided the audio for several of the seminars free of charge . In addition to great sermons, articles, books, and videos that are free online, these seminars will help the person wanting a doctrine centered on Christ. Of particular interest, Why We Believe the Bible is a seminar that addresses the following topics: Why are we concerned with the Bible? Which books make up the Bible and why? The New Testament Canon Do we have the very words written by the biblical authors? Does it matter whether we affirm the verbal inerrancy of the original manuscripts? What does the Bible claim for itself? The Old Testament claims for itself The Truth and Authority of the Apostles How can we justify the claim that the Bible is God's word? The Meaning of the Bible's inerrancy The notes to the seminar are provided with part 1 of the seminar. I hope you find this particular seminar a valuable resource! Why We Believe the Bible, Part 1 Why We Believe the Bible, Part ...