
Showing posts from September, 2007

Why We Believe the Bible, Free Audio

Desiring God Ministries has provided the audio for several of the seminars free of charge . In addition to great sermons, articles, books, and videos that are free online, these seminars will help the person wanting a doctrine centered on Christ. Of particular interest, Why We Believe the Bible is a seminar that addresses the following topics: Why are we concerned with the Bible? Which books make up the Bible and why? The New Testament Canon Do we have the very words written by the biblical authors? Does it matter whether we affirm the verbal inerrancy of the original manuscripts? What does the Bible claim for itself? The Old Testament claims for itself The Truth and Authority of the Apostles How can we justify the claim that the Bible is God's word? The Meaning of the Bible's inerrancy The notes to the seminar are provided with part 1 of the seminar. I hope you find this particular seminar a valuable resource! Why We Believe the Bible, Part 1 Why We Believe the Bible, Part ...

The Weeping Saint: A Meditation on Psalms 40 and 42

Behold him there, the weeping saint, Weary from life and ‘bout to faint. He waits in hope for Him to hear The tired words of his trembling prayer. Behold the Sovereign Ear of Him Who drawing close when all seems dim: He lifts the face and wipes the tears, Assuages all pain and calms all fears. Oh Lord, be soon, for night draws nigh, For tears with each deepening sigh Are weights upon each reddened eye. Oh Lord, be soon, for night draws nigh. Feel the strong arm of God’s own Son, Who long ago the vict’ry won. His blood and tears poured out in prayer, Releasing men from evil’s snare. You will again praise Him in song, Accompanied in joyous throng! Oh weary saint you will delight And sing with joy and ceaseless might.

A Great Little Book on the Gospel

R. C. Sproul has said that the American Church is in Pelagian Captivity. Basically, this means that we have misunderstood the doctrines of that surround God's grace with regard to saving sinners. Our understanding of God's grace has such an influence over how we view the world, ourselves, and God. How do we become a holy people? Can we lose our salvation? These things must be understand, but they cannot be discussued without a proper biblical foundation. In addressing these questions, we find ourselves quickly at the point where we wonder, "How are we saved to begin with?" James Montgomery Boice (now deceased) and Philip Graham Ryken wrote a wonderful book that addresses the work of God in salvation! This is an extremely readable book that will be encouraging to the believer. Hard passages from the Bible about these things are not ignored, and the the believer will be challenged to be biblical in their doctrine in spite of the worldly philosophies propagate...

Is Your Reading List Unruly?

Albert Mohler, the president of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary has a voracious appetite for books. He reads books from a variety of genres, and he reads almost incessantly. Therefore, when he wrote an article for Together for the Gospel on the reading of books, it was bound to be reprinted. Well, here it is . It is an encouraging article for the struggling bibliophile .

Attributes of God

The following resources are exceptional tools in studying the attributes of God. The HeartCry Missionary Conference, 2005 ( mp3's are available for download ). The One True God by Paul Washer ( This is a workbook, and it is currently being revised; I will furnish a link once it is ready ) . Knowing God by J.I. Packer Desiring God by John Piper The Pleasures of God by John Piper The Existence and Attributes of God by Steven Charnock The Attributes of God by A.W. Pink Of course there is always this awesome link . But whatever you do, do NOT forget this resource . Always read prayerfully and humbly. The goal of knowledge of the holy is not to bludgeon someone with whom you disagree. The goal of your studies should be to grow in your enjoyment of Christ who makes the holiness of God accessible. We exist in order to spread a passion for Christ that accords with knowledge.