The Weeping Saint: A Meditation on Psalms 40 and 42

Behold him there, the weeping saint,
Weary from life and ‘bout to faint.
He waits in hope for Him to hear
The tired words of his trembling prayer.

Behold the Sovereign Ear of Him
Who drawing close when all seems dim:
He lifts the face and wipes the tears,
Assuages all pain and calms all fears.

Oh Lord, be soon, for night draws nigh,
For tears with each deepening sigh
Are weights upon each reddened eye.
Oh Lord, be soon, for night draws nigh.

Feel the strong arm of God’s own Son,
Who long ago the vict’ry won.
His blood and tears poured out in prayer,
Releasing men from evil’s snare.

You will again praise Him in song,
Accompanied in joyous throng!
Oh weary saint you will delight
And sing with joy and ceaseless might.


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