John Piper's Response to N.T. Wright Due Out by Nov. 1

John Piper’s response to N. T. Wright is due for release on November 1, 2007 ($5.00 + shipping if you pre-order here by Oct. 31). If you have no idea what N. T. Wright has said about justification and what all of this is about, then there are some resources available for you. First, Desiring God Ministries has a seven part Q&A with John Piper that they have been releasing on their blog. Here, Piper gives the background necessary to understand the controversy. The whole interview can be found here. However, you may want to select only those parts that you haven't heard.

On his remarkable blog, Justin Taylor has also been posting several things on the book. Included in his blogging are reviews of Piper’s book from notable theologians. I have tried to compile the resources in chronological order.

On 9Marks’ website, you can listen to an interview of John Piper conducted by Mark Dever dealing with the New Perspectives on Paul.

There are more resources out there, but this will help those who know nothing about the topic and those who want to know more. May we thank those who are concerned enough with the truth to contend for it.

If you want to understand the history of the doctrine, then I encourage you to listen to this.

For your enjoyment, here is an excerpt from a sermon, unpacking the doctrine of justification by faith alone.


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