
Showing posts from December, 2007

Powerful Prayers: Is there a secret?

Let me encourage you to read the following blog on The Secret to a Better Prayer Life . I believe this to be an awesome example of the marriage between doctrine and application. Here are just a few morsels that hopefully will lead you to read his whole entry : The more we know God, the better equipped we are to praise him for who he is. Good theological meditation of both the glory of God and the heinousness of our corruption will be of great assistance in both knowing and mortifying your sins. Our thanksgiving will only be as weak as our theology....You should run out of time before you run out of reasons to thank God. Systematic theology is a great help here, because through it we can see much more of God’s giving, and our unworthiness. Good theology can change our stale list of requests into a more meaningful interaction with God. How? At the very least, good theology teaches us to what we may appeal in God when making our requests. [For example:] Because God is righteous, we can ...

Advent vs. Abortion

I know of three children that are in the womb, and we are waiting patiently for their arrival: Baby Abner Baby Billingsly Baby Davis We watch the wives’ tummies grow, witnessing the work of God in the lives of these children. It is marvelous. These babies belong to dear friends of mine who have taught me much about Christ. Their theologies have mingled the academic and the affectionate in enviable proportions. There are other children of families that have captured my heart, and I long to see them grow into God-honoring, Christ-exalting, Spirit-led men and women. That is why abortion is such a grief to me. I have heard so many arguments for the pro-choice agenda, but I have yet to hear one that grabs the discussion at the root. What does abortion say about the glory of God? Life is not expendable. Have you ever asked yourself why babies are so frail? Babies are fragile because Christ was to be born a baby. God has knit babies together so that the following could be said of Christ: “Hav...