Powerful Prayers: Is there a secret?
Let me encourage you to read the following blog on The Secret to a Better Prayer Life. I believe this to be an awesome example of the marriage between doctrine and application.
Here are just a few morsels that hopefully will lead you to read his whole entry:
- The more we know God, the better equipped we are to praise him for who he is.
- Good theological meditation of both the glory of God and the heinousness of our corruption will be of great assistance in both knowing and mortifying your sins.
- Our thanksgiving will only be as weak as our theology....You should run out of time before you run out of reasons to thank God. Systematic theology is a great help here, because through it we can see much more of God’s giving, and our unworthiness.
- Good theology can change our stale list of requests into a more meaningful interaction with God. How? At the very least, good theology teaches us to what we may appeal in God when making our requests. [For example:] Because God is righteous, we can appeal to him to vindicate the oppressed and persecuted.